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martedì 1 ottobre 2013

मेरी हिंदी की पढ़ाई - My study of hindi - Il mio studio della hindi

आज मैं अपनी हिंदी की पढ़ाई के बारे में बताना चहती हूँ |
जब मैं एक हाई स्कूल की छात्रा थी, तब भारतीय संकृति में रूचि लेने लगी |
फिर भारत के बारे में खबरों की खोज करने लगी और पहली बार हिंदी भाषा का पता चला |
तो विश्वविद्ध्यालय में हिंदी पढ़ने का फैसला किया क्योंकि मेरे मन में जिज्ञासा पैदा हुई थी |
मैने इस भाषा के स्वर और वर्णमाला दोनों ही बहुत पसंद किये थे |
शुरुआत में, शब्दों का उच्चारण ठीक करना और देवनागरी सीखना सबसे कठिन बात थी |
इसके आलावा, एक बातचित या एक पाठ समझने के लिए मुझे बहुत-से नए शब्द सिखने पड़ते थे |
धीरे धीरे मेरी समझ में बेहतरी हुई हैं, खासकर जब से बॉलीवुड की फिल्मों देखने लगी हूँ |
मेरी भारत में यात्रा के बाद, मुझे मालूम हुआ कि बात ठीक कह पाने के लिए अभ्यास करने की ज़रूरत है |
हालाँकि मैं काफी पढ़ रही हूँ, फिर भी इतनी गलतियाँ कर रही हूँ, जिन से मुझे लज्जा आती है !
मैं ध्यान से पढ़ती रहूँगी, इसलिए कि हर बेहतरी मुझे संतोष का अनुभव कराती है |

Today I would like to talk about my study of hindi.
When I was an High School student, I began to get interested in indian culture.
Then I started to read up on India and for the first time I came across hindi language.
So I decided to study hindi at University to fulfill the curiosity that was born in my mind.
In fact I've always loved both the sound and the alphabeth of this language.
At the beginning, the most difficult things were learning devanagari and pronounce words correctly.
Apart from this, in order to understand a conversation or a written text I had to learn a lot of new words.
Slowly I was improving my skill, especially since when I began to watch Bollywood movies. 
After my trip to India, I realized that I need to practice a lot to succeed in my communication and to express myself fluently.
Even though I carry on studying and exercising, I keep making a lot of mistakes, which make me feel ashamed!
I will go on studying with committment, thanks to the fact that every improvement makes me feel hopeful and pleased.

Oggi voglio parlare del mio studio della lingua hindi.
Quando ero una studentessa liceale, cominciai ad interessarmi alla cultura indiana.
Dopo iniziai ad informarmi sull'India e fu allora che mi imbattei per la prima volta nella lignua hindi.
Quindi presi la decisione di studiare hindi all'Università per soddisfare la curiosità che era nata in me.
Rimasi afascinata sia dal suono che dall'alfabeto di questa nuova lingua.
Inizialmente gli aspetti più difficili furono imparare la devanagari e pronunciare correttamente le parole. Inoltre, per comprendere una conversazione o un testo scritto, avevo bisogno di imparare svariate parole nuove.
Lentamente le mie capacità sono migliorate, specialmente da quando ho cominciato a guardare film di Bollywood.
Dopo il mio viaggio in India, ho capito che per riuscire ad esprimermi correttamente ho bisogno di fare molto esercizio nella conversazione.
Noostante io stia continuando a studiare, faccio ancora molti errori di cui mi vergogno! 
Continuerò a studiare con dedizione perchè ogni progresso mi dà soddisfazione e speranza.

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